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RLDatix - Your Allocate Optima Value Pitch

Launch this session to record or upload your Allocate Optima pitch - answering the question "Why Optima?". Feel free to click on and listen to Paul, Len and/or Kenny's pitch as reference before recording your pitch.


Keep it simple - 1-2 min, audio only. Your elevator pitch should tailor the answer to the needs and challenges you’ve uncovered with the prospect, and include a question or two at the end to engage the CNO in discovery
  • Your Allocate Optima Value Pitch
  • Reference: Top criteria - what we seek in a great elevator pitch
  • For reference: Paul's Value Pitch Recording
  • For reference: Len's Value Pitch Recording
  • For reference: Kenny's Value Pitch Recording
  • Reference: RLDatix Workforce Management 1-pager
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Your Allocate Optima Value Pitch"